Moved the ‘Tips’ section in the Arsenal Upgrade screens to the button bar at the bottom.
This makes Elemental Mods stack in a way you would expect. Innate Damage is added before anything on the weapon happens – boosting the weapons base Damage and then renormalizes the Damage percentages.
Weapon stats will now be reflected in a slightly more rounded way.
Allies will no longer attack Synthesis Targets, thus giving you full control on if you want to Scan.
Swapped the Kuva Bombard Crimson Dervish and 80 Endo drop to Condition Overload.
Increased the Exposing Harpoon duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.
Increased volume of Lua Rescue Alarm as per player feedback.
You can now enter your own Dojo from the Clan screen when visiting someone else’s Dojo, instead of having to return to your Orbiter first.
If you’ve already used 2, you’ll find 1 more ready to go! This will apply to all Kavats that predate this update.
Each Kavat can now give you 3 Imprints (up from 2).
Nyx’s Psychic Bolts infested movement speed debuff is now affected by Power Strength.
Tekko Prime now gains additional Status Chance when used with Atlas and/or Atlas Prime.
The loading screen now puts your Liset at the forefront in a new formation!.
The Options screen, Ayatan Treasures screen, and Dojo Room Options UI have received a fresh new look!.
Kuva Siphons/Floods have been added to the World State Window Alert section in Navigation for increased exposure!.